
We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple and easy communication.

Marla S. Business Traveler

Balboa reached out in regards to two rental cars that had not been returned, asking if we needed to extend them. Andrea was informed we reported them to Avis for recovery assistance. (one over a week ago, and the other a few days ago) Andrea quickly gathered some details from us and communicated updates in regards to the status of the vehicles. Her knowledge and sense of urgency successfully helped recover the two cars that we had reported to AVIS directly. Under 24 hours Andrea made this happen. Thank you Andrea!!

Louis Business Traveler

"Thank you Balboa for the awesome resourcefulness in making an alternate travel plan work. I just arrived at the Delta check in when they started paging me. I will be boarding in 10 minutes and making a connection in Minneapolis to make it back to Montreal tonight. Genuinely better than mid day tomorrow. Thank you everyone. Appreciate the help and the “Can’t-be-stopped” attitude."

Mary Business Traveler

Absolutely seamless!! It went extremely well and not one negative comment. Hotel staff was amazing and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it! I would definitely use Hotel Valencia again. Thank you for all your help with the reservation page and hotel accommodations! It could not have gone better!

Eric D. Business Traveler

I am not sure where to send this note, so I am hoping it will find its way to the right people. Tonight, Brandy and Claudia from Balboa was my hero. I have been traveling internationally for work for over 17 years and have spent countless weeks away from my family. On more times than I can count, I have experienced delays getting home and missed even more time with my family. The airlines and our former travel company have never been particularly helpful. Today, I was traveling home to Pittsburgh from Dublin, after a particularly challenging week. For once, the flight from Dublin to Philadelphia was well ahead of schedule which gave me an opportunity to take the earlier flight from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. This meant that I would get home about two hours early, which may seem insignificant, but it meant that I would be able to see my son and tuck him into bed rather than waiting until the morning to see him. This week because of my travel, I had already missed his soccer game, his flag football game and two baseball games. He also lost 2 teeth this week. Missing all of these events was really weighing on me. So the opportunity to get home early was really important to me. When I got to the American Airlines gate for the earlier flight, three different agents told me that although there were plenty of seats available, since I didn’t have a certain status, they couldn’t put me on the earlier flight. I called Balboa and Brandy answered. She was determined to help me, but the clock was ticking. The flight was about to board. While I was on hold waiting to see if she could help me, I got disconnected and I thought it was over. I was not going to make it back. I tried to call back, and another agent named Claudia answered. She also tried to help me, but then my phone rang and it was Brandy calling me back. I switched over to take the call and Brandy had taken care of the change. But then she stayed on the line with me to make sure the gate agents were able to check me in and get my ticket printed. When I looked at my phone, I realized that Claudia was on hold. She was also waiting to make sure I had what I needed and was ready to help. I was in tears getting on the plane thinking about how appreciative I was to have two complete strangers go out of their way to help me, and how much it meant to me to be able to see and hug my son a day earlier. This was by far the kindest thing to happen to me in 17 years of traveling internationally. I hope this note of gratitude will make it to Brandy and Claudia so they know what an incredible impact they made on me and my family today. Sharing a picture of my son who couldn’t stop hugging me because he was so excited to have me home early. THANK YOU!

Rachel L. Business Traveler

Rachelle was timely, detailed, and patient when I needed help switching around my flights--even when I had to leave the decision open and check rates multiple times, Rachelle was always quick and polite while she supported me. I have so much less anxiety going into my trip knowing the Balboa team is ready & waiting if I need ANYTHING.

Diane W. Business Traveler

"Alexandra assisting me today with making a new reservation and modifying an existing reservation. She was knowledgeable and efficient with her support. Along with a kind and reassuring voice. I greatly appreciated my experience with her."

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